Monday, June 27, 2016

Robert in Rome

Hello everyone! My name is Robert Moody. I'm currently in Rome, Italy on a faculty-lead study abroad experience. Let me start off by saying this, I never had any interest in traveling to Rome. As my departure date drew nearer, I got increasingly anxious, even to the point where I couldn't sleep. However, I found that this adventure would be interesting as soon as I got off of the plane!
I've only been in Rome for about a week, so there isn't too much that I can say so far, but I already feel like I'm starting to navigate pretty well in the city. Sure, I've gotten lost almost everyday, but hey, when in Rome!

Altare Della Patria, or the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II
Because I'm on a faculty-lead trip, I and a group of other students are exploring Rome with a small group of professors. Even though I can speak less than elementary level Italian, communication hasn't been difficult, and the people are very friendly. I can already tell that some of the students are really starting to bond with one another. The food is about as amazing as you would expect, and the city always seems to be alive. My favorite part so far is probably the site-seeing. Being able to see some of the things I've read about in art history classes is almost indescribable.
There is just so much to see in Rome, and there's so much history. Sometimes, it can be a little overwhelming. But the gorgeous views make the heat and all of the walking worth it. The histories behind some of these buildings are mind blowing. All of the monuments, churches, and palaces have been stunning, and I'm so glad that we have three more weeks to see as much as we can while studying abroad. 

The eiling of the Church of the Gesù

Even though I hadn't anticipated studying abroad in Italy, I am actually beyond satisfied with my decision to study here. I'm excited to see what else is in store for this study abroad experience!
Robert Moody
Art in Italy (UNCG Summer Program)
Rome, Italy

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