Friday, December 15, 2017

Arianne and Little Lloyd in Cape Town!

Howzit! (Cape Town greeting)

My name is Arianne Ouedraogo and I study political science and business with a pre-law concentration. I am currently studying at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town South Africa. Being able to study here in Cape Town has truly been an enriching experience for me thus far. Cape Town is a lively and beautiful city that I will never get tired of!! During my time abroad I have really been able to challenge myself to engage in experiences that I would not dare do at home, and that has allowed me to gain both academic and personal growth. I am excited to take everything that I am learning in Cape Town and sharing it with other Spartans once I return to UNCG!

University of Cape Town Upper Campus

Tierra Morre and I during our first week in Cape Town posing with one of the Drum Cafe leaders.  The Drum Cafe is a local drumming group that taught the exchange students about African drumming.

There is such a variety of delicious foods in South Africa in general.  This is some lamb curry I had in Johannesburg at a restaurant called Pata Pata.  It was the bomb!!

Cape Town is characterized by beautiful views from both the mountains and the beaches.

Little Lloyd and I relaxing at Clifton Beach.

Demonstrator at the UCT student and faculty forum regarding the Fees Must Fall Movement.  The Fees Must Fall Movement is a student-led protest movement that has happened across South African universities since 2013.  Students protest with the goals of acquiring free education, decolonization of education, and policy change regarding mental health on college campuses.  UCT's student body population is very politically active and very vocal when it comes to expressing their political views.

Me learning about South African apartheid history.  In the picture I am sitting next to someone who lived through the implementation of apartheid.

Arianne Ouedraogo
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa